Traveling by air comes with its own set of rules, some written and others unspoken, that can make your journey smoother and more enjoyable. Whether it’s a strict regulation or a simple courtesy, here are ten things you should never do at your seat on a flight.

1. Recline at the Wrong Time

Reclining your seat might seem harmless, but doing it at the wrong time can cause major inconvenience. Never recline during boarding, takeoff, meal service, or landing. During boarding, a reclined seat can obstruct other passengers as they try to find their seats and stow their luggage. For safety, seats must be upright during takeoff and landing. During meal service, reclining can make it difficult for the person behind you to eat comfortably. Even outside these times, be mindful—check if the person behind you has a laptop or other device on the tray table before you recline.

2. Abruptly Recline Your Seat

Even when it’s okay to recline, do so slowly. Abrupt reclining can spill drinks, damage devices, or cause discomfort to the person behind you. Always check behind you before reclining to avoid accidents. Reclining is a hot topic, with some airlines phasing it out in economy class altogether, so be considerate when using this feature.

3. Hog the Middle Armrest

The middle seat is the least desirable, so the person sitting there deserves a little extra comfort. If you’re in the middle seat, you get both armrests. However, if you’re in the aisle or window seat, don’t encroach on the middle armrests unless the middle seat is empty.

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4. Lift the Armrest Next to a Stranger

Most airplane armrests can be lifted for extra space, but if you’re seated next to a stranger, it’s best to keep them down. The armrests help define personal space and make the flight more comfortable for everyone. If you’re lucky enough to have an empty seat next to you, feel free to lift the armrest, but otherwise, respect the boundaries.

5. Ignore Window Shade Etiquette

If you’re in a window seat, you control the window shade, but be mindful of the unwritten rules. Keep the shade up during takeoff and landing for safety reasons—this helps emergency crews see inside the aircraft and allows passengers to adjust to outside light conditions. During the flight, if most passengers are trying to sleep or use the in-flight entertainment, consider keeping the shade down to avoid disturbing them.

6. Play Audio Without Headphones

Always use headphones when watching videos, listening to music, or playing games on a flight. Even notifications can be disruptive, so put your device on silent. The confined space of an airplane amplifies noise, and what might seem like a small sound can be annoying to those around you.

7. Ignore the Seatbelt Sign

The seatbelt sign is there for your safety, so don’t ignore it. Keep your seatbelt fastened whenever you’re seated, even if the sign is off, as turbulence can strike unexpectedly. When the sign is on, avoid standing up or using the call button unless it’s an emergency. If you’re asleep, buckle the seatbelt over your blanket or jacket so flight attendants won’t have to wake you to check.

8. Put Valuables in the Seatback Pocket

It’s easy to forget items in the seatback pocket, and once you leave the plane, retrieving them can be nearly impossible. Valuables like your phone, passport, or wallet should be kept in a secure pocket or bag close to your body to avoid loss or theft.

9. Drink Your Own Alcohol

While you can bring alcohol onto the plane, drinking it is against the rules. Only alcohol served by flight attendants is allowed. Drinking your own alcohol can lead to serious consequences, including fines, removal from the flight, or even a ban from the airline. Also, alcohol affects you differently in the air, so drink responsibly.

10. Forget Basic Hygiene

Airplane cabins are confined spaces with limited air circulation, so it’s essential to be considerate of those around you. Basic hygiene, like avoiding strong odors and keeping your space clean, goes a long way in making the flight pleasant for everyone.

By following these tips, you’ll not only have a more comfortable flight, but you’ll also make the journey better for those around you. Happy flying!


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